Old Family Portrait

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Incline Software

When did Incline Software become associated with Ancestral Quest?

In 1993 and 1994, Incline Software developed the first version of Ancestral Quest, with a mission of becoming the first Windows genealogy program.

Over the years, Incline Software has aligned itself with various partners in an effort to make the general public aware of AQ. If you are reading this FAQ, it is probably because you have seen the name of one of these partners. Some of these partners include:

  • Infobases (from 1995 to 1997, when a new division of Infobases was named Ancestry)
  • Ancestry (this division of Infobases continued the earlier contract into 1997)
  • The Hope Foundation (from 1999 until early 2001)

Incline Software continues to develop and support Ancestral Quest.

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